BBF requires its member brokers to adhere to the highest professional standards including, full disclosure, continuing education, and high ethical standards.
Following is an article that was prepared by the BBF for the purpose of assisting business owners and their advisors in understanding the appropriate role and benefits of utilizing a business intermediary to facilitate the successful ownership transition of a small business.

What is a Business Intermediary and Why Do I Need One?
Business owners often wear many hats: Manager, Worker, Bookkeeper, Janitor, etc. Many owners can do well at all these tasks because they all pertain to their business.
In many small businesses, the owner has a lot of proprietary equity; the business is truly the owner’s “baby” and they understand it from every angle. So often, when the decision to sell their business has been made, they are not sure how to proceed or have unrealistic expectations; they may talk to their CPA or other advisors and some may elect to attempt to sell it themselves.
Sometimes this is because they are not aware there are any other options. Sometimes it is because they feel that they can do a better job than anyone else since they know their business so intimately.
However, the decision by an owner to sell their own business may be one of the largest missteps of their career. Why?
Selling a business is much more complicated
involved and typically much more important than selling a house
Yet, imagine that you wanted to sell your home yourself without using a realtor. You may know your house better than anyone, so it may seem a logical decision. But do you know what it’s really worth in today’s market? Do you know how to market it to as many qualified potential buyers as possible? Should you get an offer, do you have the experience to negotiate on your own behalf to get the most amount of money possible? Once agreed on a price, can you assist the buyer to assure proper financing is attained and keep the deal moving forward? Finally, even if you answered yes to any of these questions, can you afford the time it would take to complete this process? How much would this time really cost in terms of your productivity? Well, just like a house, you can ask each of these questions about your business and whether taking the sale into your own hands would really be to your benefit.
Fortunately for you, there is a better and easier way to sell a business that will typically result in a higher sale price, a faster close and require much less stress and time on your part. Chances are, there is a qualified business intermediary or ‘business broker’ in your town who, like a real estate agent, can properly price, list, market and sell your business. Selling a company confidentially is a complex and intricate process. A professional business intermediary will be able to handle every aspect of the sale cycle and keep the transaction moving forward through each step.
Services that a business intermediary will perform on your behalf will start with an evaluation of the business and an appropriate, professionally determined sale price for the company. A business intermediary will base the price on several pieces of information including the financial health of the business, demand in the marketplace for businesses like yours, condition of the assets, depth & strength of management, customer diversity, growth potential, and current industry sales trends. You may have heard that it’s as simple as a multiple of profits/EBITDA, but it’s really far more complex than a simple multiple to get the most appropriate (and often most lucrative) price and best terms (contrary to what you may hear in Wall Street, very few businesses sell for all cash).
Once an acceptable sale price or range is determined, the business intermediary will create a Confidential Business Summary about your business. Depending on your industry, this may include an Executive Summary of the business, management organization chart/personnel descriptions, facility specifications, sample marketing pieces and a summarized financial statement along with tax returns and/or other financial documents to verify the numbers. When completed, this will be the primary document to introduce the business to prospective buyers after they have signed a Non-Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreement.
This brings us to another great aspect of a business intermediary: Confidentiality
This is extremely important. Every time your business intermediary locates a potential qualified buyer, before disclosing any specifics about your business (including its name), they will have the prospective buyer sign a Non-Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreement.
The document will cover many points including restricting the buyer from discussing with anyone that your business is for sale, and not allowing them to speak to or solicit your employees. This document protects you and your business.
Now that the business has been evaluated, a sale price determined and a Confidential Business Review Package created, your business intermediary will begin marketing the business. Finding prospective buyers, especially qualified ones, is one of the largest challenges to selling any company.

Business Intermediaries will use a variety of methods to find qualified buyers.
Methods that they will use depend largely on the industry your company is in, the size of the business and the geographic area that the business is located in.
Some marketing channels may include working with buyers that the intermediary already has a relationship with who are looking for a business like yours; utilizing online resources made specifically for intermediaries to advertise the company to buyers looking for a business in your industry and price range; and using direct marketing methods to target synergistic or strategic buyers or other existing businesses that your company may fit in with.
These are just a few broad avenues for marketing and successful intermediaries have their own proprietary ways of successfully finding qualified buyers, all of which are conducted discreetly and confidentially.
Once a serious, qualified buyer is found, your business intermediary will be there to work with you on negotiating the final purchase price and terms. These are often put into a Letter of Intent that will serve as an outline to the final Purchase Agreement. Ideally, the intermediary can generate multiple potential buyers and create real or perceived competition for the business. This tactic can often result in improved price and terms. Business intermediaries will often assist the buyer in finding financing sources and may have your business pre-qualified with an SBA lender if appropriate. An entire article could be written on financing alone, but suffice to say that an intermediary’s relationships and ability to work with various financing sources (banks, equity firms, private lenders/investors, etc.) is among their greatest assets to you and will open many doors to buyers in need of funding to complete the transaction. Finally, the intermediary will be with you through closing and will have helped to put together a plan between you and the buyer to ensure a smooth, successful transition and continuation of the business.
So for all the expertise, time saved and top sale price and terms attained, what does it cost to sell your business through an intermediary?
Typically, business intermediaries are paid a fee which is typically a percentage of the sale price. Many intermediaries will also ask for a small fee upfront. This helps partially offset their costs in business valuation, marketing and advertising while also showing your seriousness and commitment to move forward with a transaction. The upfront fee may or may not be credited to the final fee upon the sale. In most cases, the sale price that a business intermediary can negotiate for your business will be higher than what a sale-by-owner transaction would bring, even after taking their fee into account; this is due to their knowledge, expertise and by maximizing leverage in the negotiation process.
For many small business owners, the sale of their business is one of their most critical life events; that may only happen once in their lifetime. Having the assistance of a focused professional to manage and lead you through the process all the way to the closing table can make a huge difference in insuring the outcome is consistent with your goals. We hope that you will consider meeting with a business intermediary to discuss your specific company and goals. A good and reputable intermediary will never charge you to discuss your options. We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative.
Business Brokers of Florida and its members are dedicated to serving our industry with the utmost integrity, loyalty and customer service.
Frequently Asked Questions
It generally takes, on average, between five to eight months to sell most businesses. Keep in mind that an average is just that. Some businesses will take longer to sell, while others will sell in a shorter period of time. The sooner you have all the information needed to begin the marketing process, the shorter the time period should be. It is also important that the business be priced properly right from the start. Some sellers, operating under the premise that they can always come down in price, overprice their business. This theory often “backfires,” because buyers often will refuse to look at an overpriced business. It has been shown that the amount of the down payment may be the key ingredient to a quick sale. The lower the down payment, generally 40 percent of the asking price or less, the shorter the time to a successful sale. A reasonable down payment also tells a potential buyer that the seller has confidence in the business’s ability to make the payments.
Business brokers are the professionals who will facilitate the successful sale of your business. It is important that you understand just what a professional business broker can do — as well as what they can’t. They can help you decide how to price your business and how to structure the sale so it makes sense for everyone — you and the buyer. They can find the right buyer for your business, work with you and the buyer in negotiating and every other step of the way until the transaction is successfully closed. They can also help the buyer in all the details of the business buying process. A business broker is not, however, a magician who can sell an overpriced business. Most businesses are saleable if priced and structured properly. You should understand that only the marketplace can determine what a business will sell for. The amount of the down payment you are willing to accept, along with the terms of the seller financing, can greatly influence not only the ultimate selling price, but also the success of the sale itself.
A buyer will want up-to-date financial information. If you use accountants, you can work with them on making current information available. If you are using an attorney, make sure they are familiar with the business closing process and the laws of your particular state. You might also ask if their schedule will allow them to participate in the closing on very short notice. If you and the buyer want to close the sale quickly, usually within a few weeks, unless there is an alcohol or other license involved that might delay things, you don’t want to wait until the attorney can make the time to prepare the documents or attend the closing. Time is of the essence in any business sale transaction. The failure to close on schedule permits the buyer to reconsider or make changes in the original proposal.
When a buyer is sufficiently interested in your business, he or she will, or should, submit an offer in writing. This offer or proposal may have one or more contingencies. Usually, they concern a detailed review of your financial records and may also include a review of your lease arrangements, franchise agreement (if there is one), or other pertinent details of the business. You may accept the terms of the offer or you may make a counter-proposal. You should understand, however, that if you do not accept the buyer’s proposal, the buyer can withdraw it at any time. At first review, you may not be pleased with a particular offer; however, it is important to look at it carefully. It may be lacking in some areas, but it might also have some pluses to seriously consider. There is an old adage that says, “The first offer is generally the best one the seller will receive.” This does not mean that you should accept the first, or any offer — just that all offers should be looked at carefully. When you and the buyer are in agreement, both of you should work to satisfy and remove the contingencies in the offer. It is important that you cooperate fully in this process. You don’t want the buyer to think that you are hiding anything. The buyer may, at this point, bring in outside advisors to help them review the information. When all the conditions have been met, final papers will be drawn and signed. Once the closing has been completed, money will be distributed and the new owner will take possession of the business.
Surveys have shown that a seller, who asks for all cash, receives on average only 70 percent of their asking price, while sellers who accept terms receive on average 86 percent of their asking price. That’s a difference of 16 percent! In many cases, businesses that are listed for all cash just don’t sell. With reasonable terms, however, the chances of selling increase dramatically and the time period from listing to sale greatly decreases. Most sellers are unaware of how much interest they can receive by financing the sale of their business. In some cases it can greatly increase the amount received. And, again, it tells the buyer that the seller has enough confidence that the business can, indeed, pay for itself.